Sunday, April 06, 2008

Out and About

My camera phone dose not take great pictures, but I used it recently to capture the following images.

This one is from a gas pump at a gas station in my home town:

I am so glad they clarified what prepay means. I would have been completely lost and unable to fill up my car other wise... As one of my friends said when I sent him this picture - I don't know if these people should have access to flammable liquids.

This one... well, I just have to ask why? Why? What possible reason would someone have for doing this to any vehicle?


Anonymous said...

Todd, my cousin was telling me that when a fast food restaurant in Japan opened up a drive-thru window, customers were parking in the drive thru and going inside to get food. They had to hire employees to stand outside and show people how to go through the drive-thru. renee :)

The Traveler said...

"I don't know if these people should have access to flammable liquids."... or Spray paint.