Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Post Holiday Blues

I think the only word to describe this year's July 4th "season" is dreary. Yesterday was overcast... today is just downright stormy... all of this makes for a bleak rest of my week.

My apologies for the lack of Cuba Highlights... they will return, I promise. This week is just going to be busy... oh, and dreary.

In other news... I saw Superman Returns this weekend. For anyone who grew up watching the originals, this is a must-see. You will hear mixed reviews, but I strongly encourage you to go see it and form your own personal opinion. The only danger you face is getting the Superman Theme stuck in your head for days to come...


Anonymous said...

Well, at least you're keeping a good attitude about it :P Personally, there was something so weird, and kinda cool, about watch fireworks while you are getting rained on. Happy birthday USA!

knelson said...

Todd - if it's like the REAL originals I want to see it! But if he and Lois Lane..uh....well... "know each other" - it's not like the originals. What's the scoop?

Jessica said...

with all due respect (some people don't take too kindly to trash-talkin' a dead man), christopher reeve ain't got nothin' on brandon routh. not only is he one of the more lovely supermen to grace the big or little screen, he also got one heckuva better costume than any of the past ones. (oh darn, do i sound like i was born in the cotton fields of north louisiana? sorry.) kate bosworth as lois was a stretch for me; margot kidder wasn't exactly dainty. however, i found kevin spacey to be a great lex luthor.

i'm placing it near the top of my personal faves this summer.

Laurie said...

We need a birthday posting!