Monday, June 19, 2006

Bits and Pieces

I am taking a break from my Cuba Highlights series because I want to give it its full attention... and I have not had time to draft the Wednesday - Saturday entries. They will be posted in due time...

So today, I am reverting back to the "random things" method.

1. I received my license plates in the mail for my new car... they read: 600 MRX. Now I instantly saw Mr. X in that... but most people I have told about it do not find the humor until I bring it to their attention. Regardless, you can now refer to me as Mr. X (affectionately, if you like).

2. The coffee gods have smiled upon us here in the Marathon Oil Tower. We used to have the most horrid set up that was similar to the coffee you might get from an airport vending machine. Well today... we have actual coffee pots and we can bring in our own coffee to brew. Mr. X is very happy with this turn of events.

3. The other night at the Astros game, I tried to say "happy family"... but instead, I said "fappy hamily." We then tried to give "fappy" a definition... but nothing seemed to work. None of us were very comfortable with word after we said it many times...

4. I think one of my favorite things to do is sit in the easy chair, read, drink coffee... all while it is raining outside. This morning, I had a particularly difficult time leaving this ideal scenario to come to work. I think the reason I enjoy it so much is that I can do it and not feel like I am being unproductive or lazy. If it is sunny outside, I feel like I should be out enjoying the weather... but if it is raining, I am justified to just sit inside and read for hours if I want to.

5. I have discovered (much like Donald Miller says in his intro to Blue Like Jazz) that seeing someone else enjoy something makes it all the more appealing. I have had a number of instances in recent weeks where I was indifferent to a given item/issue... but when I saw a friend truly enjoy said item/issue... it caused me to see the merits previously hidden to me.

6. I posted this entry and it had 4 grammatical errors... and it has taken me at least 30 minutes to fix them. Of all the times for Blogger to experience server problems...


Jen said...

I sat in my living room and read a book most of Saturday morning, leaving the sliding door open so I could listen to the rain. It was wonderful. That is, until I closed the door and realized there were flies all up in my crib ;)

Anonymous said...

only Heathens read Donald Miller and books like Blue Like Jazz.

Jenny Ortis said...

I LOVE sitting around and doing nothing when it's raining outside!

palomita said...

Did anyone offer potential definitions for 'hamily'?

I was going to suggest something like "(advb.) overacting for the sake of gaining attention" but it's already been taken (essentially) by the word 'hammily' and I doubt it works in the context of your statment (or with fappy).

I don't think I like fappy either.

Anonymous said...

Mr. X oh Mr. X ---- that's a hoot

Mandy said...

I'm waiting to hear more about Cuba. :)