Monday, August 01, 2005

Near Death... It Wasn't So Bad

This is a quick "lunch-time" post... not enough time to actually develop a story or anything, but I almost died this past weekend (or as Dave Bray tells it, I attempted to kill him and Adam O'Kelley).

Possibly to the chagrin of some and the joy of others... God chose to allow me a few more days on this earth. Honestly, by the laws of physics... I should either be dead or seriously injured. God was certainly guiding my Saturn along Loop 610 Friday night as I had a 18o degree spin out that almost cast us into the barrier on the side of the road (going around 70 mph). But as you can tell (because I am actually typing this post), all is well...

Oh... and Dave, Adam, and I agree that in retrospect, the experience was actually pretty fun. I would do it again, but that whole "don't put the Lord your God to the test" thing keeps getting me...


Me said...

I think Gina has had a similar experience . . . you two should have a bonding moment over it sometime!

Todd Richards said...

The Saturn is still rockin'!!!