Thursday, September 14, 2006

New Addiction...

So I have spent the past three days catching myself up on Lost. I have been watching the second season on DVD... about two each night. I am halfway through with season 2, and have two weeks before season 3 starts.

If you are not on this bandwagon, jump on as soon as you can. However, do so at your own risk. It will suck you in and keep you.

Just now, I was on the elevator and I pushed the button for my floor. Well, it lit up as normal... and then went dark again. This happens quite frequently because our building is old... and I normally don't give it a second thought. But today, it caught my attention because of all the Lost episodes I have been watching. I mean that is the kind of thing that happens to these people (well, except that there are no elevators on the island... that we know of yet).

But to make matters worse... I work on floor 23.


Erin said...

4 8 15 16 23 42
Stop!! The numbers are BAAADDD!!!

Anonymous said...

Season 3 has this cool elevator that starts off in a chocolate factory then bursts through the ceiling. Wait...

Anonymous said...

when will you announce your love for ginnsu

Shanna said...

No elevators on the island??? Oh, ye, of the Beginning of Season 2, beware. (Insert evil laugh)

Ulovebeth said...

Can I borrow them after your done? :)
I watch the DVDs of Season One and was thoroughly addicted. I think I watched about 6 episopes in a row once.
My regular "LOST" dealer has been dealing to other customers. So, let me know if I can have a hit.

Todd Richards said...

My dealer is Blockbuster... I rented disc 4 yesterday.

Ulovebeth said...

Aw, geez. Blockbuster and I are not good friends. We've gone out and broken up more times than I can count.
But I'll do anything for LOST.