Thursday, September 13, 2007

Coffee Addiction

It is no secret that I am addicted to coffee. To some, it is bitter brown water. To others, it is a necessary morning elixir. I fall into the latter category.

I believe there are three kinds of coffee in this world. Really Good, Tolerable, and Not Fit For Human Consumption.

Because I have been sick the past few days, I have avoided my regular morning cup in favor of water. Since I feel much better today, I decided to go for it and partake of this delicious beverage. Unfortunately, I opted for the free stuff in our breakroom - which falls into the third category noted above.

But this is what separates a coffee addict from all other coffee drinkers... I am drinking it. I don't really like it, but I am drinking it. How messed up is that?


Erin said...

You gotta do what you gotta do. ;-)

Michelle said...

last night, ethan (3) said the dinner prayer. after he thanked God for his food, he said -- thank you God, for mommy's doctor pepper. that's sad and funny, so i can see why you are drinking it. :)

gL said...

ahh... the infamous "free" break room coffee. I mix cocoa mix to make it mocha-esque and not so ... nasty tasting.

I stop for McDonald's coffee every morning. The lady knows me now and even puts the cream and sugar in it for me just the way I like it... it's so nice of her and speeds things up for me since I am physically impaired until AFTER I have had some coffee...

Dustin said...

I love coffee; coffee, coffee, coffee....